Setting up a development environment ==================================== ## Install prerequisites Before getting started you will need to install: - [Python 3.9]( - [Virtualenv]( and [Virtualenvwrapper]( - [git]( - [MySQL 5.7]( ## Download the code ``` git clone ``` ## Setup the Python virtual environment ``` mkvirtualenv cstock -p $(which python3.8) ``` Then in the code root directory, run: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Create the database Connect to your MySQL DB and run the following: ``` CREATE DATABASE cstock; ``` ## Configure project settings First create your localsettings file: ``` cp logistics_project/ logistics_project/ ``` Then edit the file so that the `DATABASES` value has the right databsae name and credentials for your local MySQL. ## Initialize the Database Run this to set up the database tables: ``` ./ migrate ``` Then create some helper data: ``` ./ loaddata data/cstock-locations.json ./ loaddata data/cstock-logistics.json ``` ## Create a superuser Run the following command and fill in the prompts: ``` ./ createsuperuser ``` ## Run the server Start the server with: ``` ./ createsuperuser ``` You should be able to login to the dashboard with the user you just created. ## (Optional) Run celery and SMS router The `runrouter` process is necessary for SMS-related functionality. Celery is required for scheduled SMS reminders as well as for background jobs that update the data warehouse. ``` ./ runrouter celery -A logistics_project worker -l info ``` ## Testing You can run individual tests using the following syntax: ``` ./ test logistics_project.apps.malawi.tests.transfer.TestTransfer ```